Noticing a lump on your testicle can be alarming, and it’s natural for your mind to go to the worst-case scenario. It’s important to understand that not all lumps are cancerous but it’s still important to get them checked by a doctor.
Recognising the difference between a testicular cyst and testicular cancer might save you a bit of stress, but regardless of what you think is causing the lump it’s better to get something checked early and find out it’s nothing serious than to delay, worry, or ignore it completely.
So you’ve felt a lump on your balls…
It can help to understand exactly where your lump is to determine what’s causing it.

None of these three structures should be painful if touched or gently squeezed. If you can feel something else in their scrotum or you’re experiencing pain, you should see a doctor.
Lumps on the skin of the scrotum
May be caused by many things, including warts, cysts, bacterial infections, or a sexually transmitted infection
Lumps within the scrotum
May be caused by an accumulation of fluids, the growth of abnormal tissue, or inflammation due to injury or infection.
Lumps on the testicle(s)
Lumps in or on the testicles themselves may be caused by injury, infection, birth defects or as a symptom of a more serious underlying health condition, such as testicular cancer.
What is a cyst?
A cyst is a sac or pocket that can be filled with fluid, tissue or other material. Epididymal cysts form in the epididymis — the tube located behind each testicle. Cysts in the epididymis are common. They can be different sizes, slightly soft, round lumps.
A spermatocele, also known as a spermatic cyst, grows in the epididymis, near the top of a testicle. Both of these types of cysts can feel like smooth, pea-sized lumps and are usually only treated if they cause pain or discomfort.
What is testicular cancer?
Lumps on the testicles are less common. Cancerous tumours in the testes usually feel like hard lumps inside them, not a lump on the surface, or the whole testis might feel hard. The lump may or may not be painful. Testicular cancer is relatively rare but it can be life-threatening if not addressed promptly.
What is the difference between a cyst and testicular cancer?
It can be hard to tell the difference between a testicular cyst and testicular cancer, so if you find a lump on your balls you should get a doctor to determine exactly what it is. A doctor will likely refer you to have an ultrasound to confirm what the lump is.
What to do if you find a lump on your testicles
If you have a lump on your balls that’s been there a few days, book an appointment with a doctor.